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Is Bootcamp for me?

Bootcamp2Beautiful is designed to help you connect with other women and meet you where you're at mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually in your

personal life and career.

You will:




for a more fulfilling life!

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Bootcamp2Beautiful Attendee, Jodi Reitz' Message for You...


Let's talk about YOU... I know the world tells us not to think about ourselves however, if you do not know who you are, what you like, what you're good at and what you want to do with your life, the world will be more than happy to tell you! 


Life constantly bombards us with conflicting information and then demands immediate decisions. It is OVERWHELMING! It is increasingly important to renew your mind to stay present in the current moment and NOT to stress yourself over the "should's, have-to's, and what if's." We can absolutely combat our cluttered mind and tired bodies by taking our control back of WHO we are as individuals. I have walked the rut that you may be in; personally, emotionally, professionally, and privately. These are the strategies that have helped me and many others combat anxiety, depression, worry, fatigue, and all the other resulting factors of stress. These are battle tactics for a busy world and overwhelmed mind. 










PowerLift Texts

Just like having a mentor or personal cheerleader on your team, you will receive inspiring messages, via text or email, from Kim Hoff twice a week to help keep your focus and give you tips on keeping life moving in the right direction. 


Hometown Workshops

Check-out the calendar of events to find B2B Workshops happening in your area or travel with Kim to fun locations for exciting topics in exciting locations!


Webinars - COMING SOON!! 

Need to focus your thoughts in a new direction? Sign-up to follow one of Kim's webinars on-line, at your own pace. You can even request the study packet with crafts shipped to you for a more hands-on experience while you learn! 


On-line Seminars

Join in on a scheduled seminar around town! Check our calendar of events to get signed-up!


Hosted Events

Schedule Kim to do a private event at your community group, youth group, in your home, place of business or school! She will focus the topic according to your group demographic or interest and bring the fun crafts and activities to drive home those fantastic, life-changing concepts!


Private Mentoring

Believing that having a mentor is essential to charting the path to a successful future, Kim offers private mentoring sessions. Contact her today to being focusing your life in the direction of attaining your personal goals. Her enthusiasm will take you to a new level at your own pace!


Small Groups

In your home, school, business, community center, or youth group, Kim will do team building activities to bring each person to a high level of personal production, motivation, and success. 


B2B Blog

Follow Kim Hoff as she shares about her own life lessons, works with fantastically inspiring people and works toward her own personal goals! 



All of my Bootcamp2Beautiful events are designed to help you: 

  1. Discover Your Personal Purpose

  2. Set a Vision for Your Life

  3. Jump Out of Your Rut

  4. Put Your "Shoulds" in Perspective

  5. Feel More Energetic, In-Control & Hopeful

  6. Maintain Healthy Thinking Patterns

  7. Begin Achieving Your Goals

  8. Form a Powerful New Outlook on Life​


Let's team-up and walk through the process to a much happier, healthier outlook on life together! Are you ready to feel better about yourself and enjoy every day a whole lot more? Let's go!









Kim Hoff
Hope Coach &
Creator Bootcamp2Beautiful

Bootcamp2Beautiful comes to You!


Are you ready to start enjoying

your life again?

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